On the surface, "Lie" is about a group of four women who go on a getaway to a cottage to help one of their own through a life-changing problem.
Underneath the bridge, "Lie" is an attack on bland female characters in modern fiction.
Wherever you look, it'll be a lot of fun.
In alphabetical order...
Quinevere Ainsworth is the one with the problem. Under normal circumstances, she's quiet but with the right accident, this white-haired comic book geek can be quite the companion.
Fantine Karoly is quiet under pretty much all circumstances. In her defense, she's a rather shy teen. She'd much prefer to watch films or let her mind drift to faerie folk. Her aunt, however, wants her out of her shell and feels that this getaway will do her a world of great.
Veronique Karoly is a middle-aged woman with no regrets. Save for how her niece acts sometimes. She's done it all in life, and sometimes twice. The only thing she loves more than Fantine is being a woman.
Idette Rudelle has known Quinevere for most of her almost-30 years being alive. Although she's younger, she's the protector of the two. A bit like those tiny dogs that are cuddly with the ones they like, and insanely... chompy around everyone else. Except she's obviously not a dog and I've never seen a ginger pooch.
*May Contain Spoilers*
Rathan Krueger examines the idea of female characters in modern fiction with his novel, Lie. The book follows four women as they escape city life for a weekend. Krueger focuses on Quinevere and Idette's friendship and the reason why Quinnie needs to get out of town: she's pregnant. Idette brings along Veronique, who also drags her too-shy niece with them. As the four ladies get to know each other, they open up (slightly), relax, and try to examine the decision Quinevere is faced with.
The four characters are presented, for the most part, equally. Readers are introduced to them all within a small time frame and are then whisked away to a country "cottage." This causes a bit of confusion but certain facts will help readers keep them straight. Idette is a rude red-head. She's a bit hard to connect with as she portrayed as someone who is not reliable. Fantine loves everything Fae related. Mysticism and mythology is right up this shy girl's alley. Readers will enjoy watching her emerge from her shell. Veronique is always worried about Fantine and used to be a dancer. If the dialogue or situation is of a sexual nature, then Veronique is probably taking part. And then there's Quinevere. She's Idette's best friend (not really the other way around), a Batman lover, and she's pregnant. She's weighing the options between keeping the baby or having an abortion. Thus, the weekend getaway. Readers will probably connect more with Quinevere most of all, though each reader will have certain characteristics that draw them to specific characters.
The plot of the novel revolves around the four women getting to know each other, Quinevere and Idette reconnecting as friends, and the decision that Quinevere must make. Throughout the weekend, various situations occur that all lead to one crucial moment. The moment when the narrator turns against the characters. The narrator morphs into a villain and swears to make the surviving characters reap what they have sown. And, honestly, it's quite intense, revealing the attack on "bland" or "stereotypical" characters. The end is a bit gruesome, the language and sexuality throughout the novel is blunt (to say the least), and the whole tale is confusingly twisted. Recommended for mature audiences.
Rating: 2.5/5 Cups