Wednesday, October 24, 2012

WWW Wednesday (25)

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What do you think you’ll read next?

01. Currently Reading:
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel by Susanna Clarke. I'm on pg 207/1006. Still have a long way to go.

Bohemia by Veronika Carnaby. A novel focused on four young adults who are growing up in the 60's in a world swirled with art and discovery. So far I'm enjoying the story line.

02. Recently Finished:
HeartsBlood by Carolyn McCray. Loved the story line, just not the end. The paranormal plot definitely had me hooked due to its biological background.

03. Reading Next:
Besides Become by Ali Cross I want to read The Mistaken by Nancy S. Thompson next. Look for the review next Thursday (Nov. 1st). Mafia, murder, mayhem. Won't be able to put it down.

What's revolving around your TBR right now?


  1. Such good spooky Halloween reads! I love it.

  2. I haven't heard of most of these...but I hope that you are enjoying them!

    My WWW Wednesday.

  3. An interesting collection of books. Hope you are liking them all. Here's mine

  4. You have given a nice collection of books; I should read them, because I like to read paranormal plots.

  5. You gave a very good collection of books I want to read them, because I like to see the supernatural plot.
