Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers

Doing Germany (78% on Kindle)
- Agnieszka Paletta
There was one main amazing aspect of our rented Munich apartment. The proximity of Westpark was certainly a bonus, but not the reason we moved there in the first place. No, the decisive reason was the proximity of M's job. A grueling, three-minute-walk.
LOL, sounds fun
Love that "grueling, three-minute walk".
ReplyDeleteMine this week is at http://wp.me/pZnGI-cB
Too funny. A grueling 3 minute walk!
ReplyDeleteHere is my tease - http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/09/09/teaser-tuesdays-80-unbroken-ties-by-m-latimer-ridley/
I wish I had such a commute! *G* Mine: Emma
ReplyDeleteSounds like the narrator doesn't have much sympathy for M and his commute! I have happy memories of my visit to Munich and would love to read a story set there
ReplyDeleteHere's the link to my Tuesday post: Retirement Can Be Murder.